Tuesday, July 17, 2007

How things change..

I mentioned a couple of days ago that I picked my niece up a few days ago. She is just a few months older than my daughter and they get along very well. We had her last year during the summer as well. It is funny how two girls can change so much within a matter of a year. Last year they were content to hang out in the cheap pool we picked up at Family Dollar. They were happy to build forts out on the property and stay out there for hours. They were content to just hang out. Well, my how things have changed! They are now more interested in how they look, what they are wearing, and the next place they get to go. They really need to go back to how they were last year. They seem to be growing up too fast and they need to stop! They are such sweet girls and both very smart. It makes me a bit sad to see them growing up and kind of scary. I have an older son and he lives on his own now and the mistakes were high when we were raising him. It dawned on me several months ago that we have never raised a daughter to this age. Does that make sense? Is it going to be hard or easy? Is she going to do some of the things I did? Make the same mistakes? What choices will she make? Like I said, kind of scary! I believe in prayer so I have been doing lots of praying in that area!
We are getting out of the house today so they are thrilled about that! Although the little angels will still be asleep for along time as they stayed up half the night!

I have been getting to do a bit of sewing in the last few days. I made these pot holders for a sweet customer who wanted some funky and kind of different pot holders.

And of course more things for sweet baby.

I have been getting tons of tomatoes from the garden so I am off to make some tomato sauce.

More tomorrow...

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